martes, 9 de febrero de 2010


The ancient vestiges discovered in Todos Santos constitute the in-situ Museum "Manuel Agustín Landívar” they are a point of study for the archaeological research and an unavoidable place to be visited by tourists in our city.
By 1972, when some private construction works were done, these relics were accidentally found. Immediately, a Technical Commission was by Casa de la Cultura. This Commission concluded that the rests that were found dated of Cañari and Inca periods, Early Spanish Colonial age and later phases of this one.
The discovered pieces are permanently being exhibited for the reason that the works revealed three big entire mill stones and some broken pieces into fragments; axis, wooden blades twenty thousand vases (either pre-colonial and modern) were found as well.
The Museum takes its name due to Manuel Agustín Landivar, Cuencano doctor (1921-1980) whose works of historical and archaeological research deserve acknowledgment. In this Museum, our cyclical exhibitions involve different ethnographic, paleontologist and patrimonial ceramic.
This archaeological site also known as Todos Santos Mills (Molinos de Todos Santos) was once part of an urban centre built by the Inca which was called Pumapungo or Tomebamba.
The complex shows the transition that the city suffered and the process by which diverse and successive cultures took advantage of the technology left by previous civilizations. This way, the Inca benefit of the Cañari system and the Spaniards, in turn took advantage of the aqueducts procedure of Inca cellars, to create an area of mills that had great importance during the Colony and first years of Republic, because it contributed to the economy and the supply of grains in the city.
Therefore, at the Todos Santos Vestiges superimpose elements that evidence the presence of three human groups that settled the place on which the city of Cuenca rises.

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